This work by Marc Lejeune / Circus Marcus is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International

Au revoir
This is the first album of Circus Marcus, released in 2001. You can listen to my first 11 piano compositions. I consider it not as an usual album, but more as the compilation of my first compositions… just to not forget it. So, sorry for the bad quality of the recording. At this time, I never thought about put it online 😉
- Dans les bois
- La chute
- Au revoir 2#4
- J’veux être bien
- La routine
- James Bond est mort ce soir
- Le cirque
- La vie d’un poisson dans l’eau
- Au revoir | youtube
- Le départ
- Vendredi
To download it for free, just click on « download » button above the playlist on the left or go on the Free Music Archive page of this album
Or, you can support me buying and naming your price on Bandcamp
If you like playing piano, you can also download the scores of this album
To support me, you can also buy the music sheets book of « Vous êtes quelqu’un de terriblement absent »
I signed this wonderful artwork 😉
