This work by Marc Lejeune / Circus Marcus is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International

Petites pièces
Petites pièces is a set of easy piano pieces for beginners. I started to composed them in 2014 for my wife because she was starting study piano.
Until now, there is only 3 Petites pièces:
- Petite pièce macabre No 1 – Sous l’escalier | youtube
- Petite pièce macabre No 2 – Fermer les yeux | youtube
- Petite pièce minime No 1 – Minuit | youtube
- Petite pièce minime No 2 – Batifol | youtube
To download it for free, just click on the « download » button under the playlist on the left or go on the Free Music Archive page of this album
Or, you can support me buying Petites pièces and naming your price on Bandcamp
If you like playing piano, you can also download the scores of this serie.